Deep Silver and Volition bring even this week two DLC packs for Saints Row 4 out. In addition to a Wild West-Pack, fans of the brand also offers a DLC with the strange name "GATV". Whether it hide parodic content to GTA 5 or not, but has been left open. Apparently, the player must wait until it is ready for download.
Saints Row 4 DLC Packs
Deep Silver and Volition release this week two DLC packs for Saints Row 4 With GATV the player expects new clothes, hair styles and weapons. Not quite randomly chosen from the letters of the DLCs also the name of the latest work from home form Rockstar: GTA 5 But what's behind it, however, and if the new content is not actually known to contain material parody GTA V.
Also this week, the Wild West pack appears. There are, however, also not more precise, but the name alone suggests that this is about content from the Wild West genre. The original message about Saints Row 4 you will find at We of course keep you on further updates to Saints Row 4 and all DLC to date.