Namco Bandai has confirmed that the publisher will be represented with its own stand at the AnimagiC. Visitors to the exhibition have the opportunity first hand to Tales of Xillia and One Piece: Pirate Warrios to place second Even Hideo Baba, chief developer of Tales of Xillia will be present at the exhibition and visitors and answer questions.
Publisher Namco Bandai will be represented with its own stand at this year AnimagiC. The manufacturer uses the Anime Fair, among other things, its next two games Tales of Xillia and One Piece: Pirate Warrios to present 2 - visitors can get their hands on the PS3 title for the first time itself. Even Hideo Baba, chief developer of Tales of Xillia will be present as a guest on the AnimagiC. The developer will present the game and visitors and answer questions.
For the first time Koinuma-san of Tecmo Koei will be on the AnimagiC stage, who will answer questions from the German One Piece fans with Nakajima-san from Namco Bandai. The AnimagiC held from 26 to 28 July 2013 in Bonn. Baba-san will present at the fair Saturday from 11am bis 12 clock clock Tales of Xillia and to answer questions from fans. Anschießend are the producers of One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2, Koji Nakajima and Hisashi Koinuma, on stage and enter 12:15 to 13:30 insights into the next pirate adventure.
A joint signing with the Japanese guests will take place between 16 und 17 clock clock on the same day. Hideo Baba will also be an honorary guest of the jury at the great cosplay competition to judge the costumes. Another way for fans to get an autograph from Baba-san uses to Sunday from 12 noon clock bis 13 clock on stand by Namco Bandai. Tales of Xillia is on 9 August in Europe appear for PS3. One Piece: Pirate Warrios 2 will also come on the market in August.
Tales of Xillia and One Piece: Pirate Warrios 2 playable on the AnimagiC
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PC Games
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