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Ultra Street Fighter 4: New beat'em up announced - first trailer available

Ultra Street Fighter 4 in early 2014 will see a new beat 'em up from Capcom. Fans of the franchise can look forward to new characters, game modes and more fresh content. In a first gameplay trailer the features of the game are presented. At the end of this article you can take a look at the clip.

Ultra Street Fighter 4 Gameplay

Ultra Street Fighter 4 will appear in early 2014 for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. The new beat 'em up offers numerous features. Among other things, there are new fighters, fresh arenas and game modes. "Firstly, the standard typical strengths of Street Fighter 4 will be better than ever farther out before, so now five additional characters join the squad and invite six brand new arenas for slugfest. Secondly, make a lot of balance refinements and new modes Ultra Street Fighter 4 for ultimate total package, "says Capcom.

Ultra Street Fighter 4 Trailer

Ultra Street Fighter 4

Poison, Hugo, Elena and Rolento a secret, completely new character will rise in Ultra Street Fighter 4 in the ring. Included are also brand new animations, games and unique fighting styles and six new arenas. Among Pitstop 109, Cosmic Elevator and Half Pipe. In the coming weeks and months Capcom will further updates to Street Fighter 4 Ultra announce. Players who already 4 Super Street Fighter 4 and Super Street Fighter: Arcade Edition have, the Ultra Edition, you can save it as DLC for 14.99 euros. All other access for around 40 euros.

Ultra Street Fighter 4 Announcement Trailer

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Related : Ultra Street Fighter 4: New beat'em up announced - first trailer available