The development team undead Labs to an open-world-zombie survival game for Xbox Live Arcade and PC works with State of decay. We show first screenshots and a gameplay trailer.
The American Development Studio undead Labs has announced a new zombie survival game called State of decay for the Xbox 360 and the PC. It is a third-person title in an open game world.
The development team describes State of decay as:» the player decides itself, where he takes his position as he builds his home and reinforced [against the zombie attacks] or which daring raids he performs, to get food and ammunition. The open sandbox game world is generated in real time and shaped by the actions of the player.
State of decay should appear already 2011 exclusive actually under the name Class3 through the Xbox marketplace. Which is why the team chose a new name and a PC implementation of the title, has not explained the developer. The new name of State of decay (stage of decay) but significantly better fits to the currently very popular zombie-setting.
It is still unclear whether there will be a co-op mode for two players. For Class3, this was already announced last year.
Sure, on the other hand: the development team wants to on the basis of the open-world title and with the feedback of the community on a project entitled Class4" work. where several 1,000 players can play simultaneously on a server. There, she should be used.