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The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past announced 2 for 3DS

On the last Nintendo Direct press conference Nintendo dropped the bombshell: the end of this year is a successor of the Super Nintendo's classic The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past appear. Also first moving images of the newly announced Zelda title have been shown.

Almost 20 years is the release of the SNES role-playing game  A Link to the Past is now back already. For many fans of the Japanese software company is heading next Ocarina of Time the best Zelda games of all time. In addition, the RPG classic from 1992 is one of the best selling games of the popular 16-bit console.

The Legend of Zelda
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The Legend of Zelda
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The Legend of Zelda
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World of SNES predecessor with a new look

At the recent Nintendo Direct aligned the role play was first presented by Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata himself. According to Iwata A Link to the Past 2 play in the world of its predecessor, and can boast a completely new story, dungeons and bosses. Were also shown first gameplay scenes from the role-playing game, in which there was a new ability to see link.

In A Link to the Past-sequel to series hero Link can transform into a mural. The camera then switches from the classical 2D top view into the 3D perspective. Especially when solving puzzles is to be used the new capability.

Other games announced for 3DS

Besides the new Zelda adventure were also games for the Nintendo 3DS  Dream Team Bros., Shin Megami Tensei IV, Professor Layton and the Legacy Azran, Bravely Default (working title), Mario Party, Animal Crossing: including Mario & Luigi announced: New Leaf, Mario Golf: World Tour, Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move and 3D Donkey Kong Country Returns. In addition to 30 May 2013, the two of Capcom  developed Game Boy Color games The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons are provided in the 3DS eShop for download.

It is still unclear where exactly is A Link to the Past 2 classify time and if the story continues from the predecessor. To appear in the title of the United States at the end of this year. A European release is expected in early 2014. The complete press conference from Nintendo  you can see in the following video.

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Related : The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past announced 2 for 3DS