With Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep for Borderlands 2 durchgerehte you send the 13-year-old Tina on an equally wicked fantasy adventure. In a new video from Gearbox, the developer you can you a first impression of the new content with the first five minutes of the DLCs that on 25 Appear in June.
On 25 June appears with Tiny Tina's Keep Dragon Assault on the next DLC for Borderlands 2 To you a few days ago already agree, the developers from Gearbox have released a gameplay video that shows you the first five minutes of the new adventure. We present you the video as usual at the end of this release. In the video you'll get a good insight into the history at issue in the DLC.
Tiny Tina, the deadliest 13-year-old in the world, playing with Brick, Lilith and Mordecai the tabletop game & bunker Badasses, with the humor of course not neglected. The secret: Your take on the role of game characters in a wacky fantasy world and experiencing the adventures that come up with the exterminator at the table. Thus, even ever suddenly change the environment when Tina what new has come.
The gameplay is oriented towards the development of Borderlands 2 gewohten With various weapons you sit against creatures like dragons or skeleton warriors to fight back. For more insight you get in the gameplay video at the end of these lines. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep appears on 25 June for the price of 9.99 € or 800 Microsoft points.