The military MMOG War Thunder appears for the PS4. Development studio Gaijin Entertainment has a PlayStation 4 conversion on the official website confirmed. The publication shall take place at this year's holiday shopping season. The makers of the action title promises contemporary graphics and a custom for the DualShock controller 4 controls.
War Thunder will make his debut on the PS4 console. Gaijin Entertainment has given on the official website for the game to work with Sony known. The implementation of the military MMOGs for PlayStation 4 is intended to benefit from the power of next-gen console. Development studio Gaijin promises among other things a contemporary look, great speed, intelligent personalization features, and integrated social and cloud features. Also wanted to use the possibilities of the DualShock controller 4 in War Thunder. War Thunder to appear for the PS4 for Christmas 2013.
Watch This War Thunder - World War trailer
Screenshots from the PlayStation 4 version, however, has not yet been published Gaijin Entertainment, the impressions of the gallery are all from the PC version. In War Thunder you take part in the battles of the Second World War. With a faithful replica flying machines, it provides you with other players fierce battles. Land and sea battles are planned for the future. The genesis of War Thunder goes back to the year 2009, at that time the title was officially announced. For more information on War Thunder you can see from the linked web page.
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